"Smellroser" include Changed Implicit Action by Emily Short. use full-length room descriptions. the odor is a backdrop. the odor is everywhere. understand "smell" or "smells" or "stench" or "stink" or "aroma" as odor. Room A is a room. "A terrible stench pervades this area.". Room B is east of Room A. "A stink that would gag a maggot ill is all over this area.". Room C is east of Room B. "A wonderful aroma fills this area.". A heavy duty military gas mask is in Room A. The mask is wearable. the description of the mask is "A heavy duty military gas mask.". remove is an action applying to one thing. understand "remove [something]" as taking off. the mask is either worn or unworn. instead of smelling the mask, say "The mask doesn't smell, the odor does!". instead of examining the odor, try smelling the odor. instead of wearing the mask when the mask is not in the player: move the mask to the player; now the mask is worn by the player; say "You wear the mask.". instead of taking the odor, say "How the hell can you take an odor?". instead of smelling the odor when the gas mask is worn and the player is in Room A: say "The mask prevents the odor from reaching your nostrils. [paragraph break]". instead of smelling the odor when the gas mask is worn and the player is in Room B: say "The mask prevents the odor from reaching your nostrils. [paragraph break]". instead of smelling the odor when the gas mask is worn and the player is in Room C: say "The mask prevents the aroma from reaching your nostrils. [paragraph break]". instead of smelling the odor when the gas mask is not worn and the player is in Room A: say "The odor smells like gas from someone else's rear end!". instead of smelling the odor when the gas mask is not worn and the player is in Room B: say "The odor smells like Emily has been making cheese again.". instead of smelling the odor when the gas mask is not worn and the player is in Room C: say "The aroma smells like a dozen rose bouquet". instead of smelling the odor when the gas mask is worn and the player is in Room C: say "You need to remove the mask and smell the roses.". instead of dropping the mask when the mask is carried by the player and the mask is not worn: move the mask to the location; say "you drop the mask on the floor.". instead of dropping the mask when the mask is not in the player: say "You ain't got the mask!". instead of dropping the mask when the mask is worn by the player: now the mask is unworn; move the mask to the location; say "You take off the mask and drop it on the floor.". instead of taking off the mask when the mask is unworn: say "You ain't wearing it!". instead of taking off the mask when the mask is worn: move the mask to the player; now the mask is unworn; say "You remove the mask. Your nostrils are once again fair game for whatever stench or aroma is out there.". test me with "x mask/smell odor/wear mask/smell odor/e/smell odor/drop mask/smell odor/take mask/e/drop mask/smell odor/wear mask/smell odor/w/w".